
The mission of LUCA:

1)    Increasing digital skills of commercial agents to succesfully perform virtual and inside sales activities reached through an innovative training program
2)    Improving the possibilities of IUCAB and its members to create attractive future support for commercial agents
3)    Setting the basis for a certification process of the commercial agents’ advanced skills

Direct Target Groups

1)    Commercial agents operating internationally
2)    Junior sales professionals interested in the field of commercial agents or inside sales jobs
3)    Persons with sales experience, interested in re/upskilling in virtual and inside selling
4)    Representatives of IUCAB and other commercial agents’ associations
Co-funded by the European Union
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.


Modern technologies, AI and social media have profoundly changed selling in the B2B sector. Digitalization is now crucial for obtaining information about suppliers, principals, products, services and customers. There are approx. 1.2 million commercial agents in Europe connecting customers and principals. Many commercial agents require support in levelling up their digital skills for current and future success. The LUCA project has set itself the goal of supporting commercial agents in refining and expanding their digital skills. The project, therefore, consists of three main steps:
1) Examining the skill gaps and needs 
2) Development of training materials 
3) Training of commercial agents and creating the ground for a future certification


The LUCA team developed a survey to .... You can take part ..